Make easy payments over 3, 6, or 12 months
$55.56/mo based on a purchase price of $1000 at 0% APR for 18 months. Rates from 10-30% APR.
Quick and easy
Enter a few pieces of information for a real-time decision.
Checking your eligibility won’t affect your credit score.
No hidden fees
Know up front exactly what you’ll owe, with no hidden
costs and surprises.
Just Select
at checkout.
Subject to credit check and approval. Down payment may be required.
Minimum purchase of $1,000.00 required for 0% 18 month eligibility.
For purchases under $100, limited options are available. Estimated
payment amount excludes taxes and shipping fees. Affirm loans are
made by Cross River Bank, a New Jersey State Chartered Commercial
Bank, Member FDIC. See www.affirm.com/faqs for details.