Thalia Premium Series Black Chrome Finish Guitar Capo, AAA Curly Hawaiian Koa, Save the Bees Honeycomb

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Thalia Premium Series Black Chrome Finish Guitar Capo, AAA Curly Hawaiian Koa, Save the Bees Honeycomb

Save the Honeybee Commitment

We owe much to the bees. Globally there are more honey bees than other types of bee and pollinating insects, so it is the world's most important pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees, but also by other insects, birds and bats. We feel like we need to do something and we recently came across an exciting research initiative that is actively solving some of the biggest issues facing honeybees. So we want to team up with you to help fund this research!

This particular research group at Washington State University was chosen as it has already proven to make significant strides in solving many of the major health issues affecting Bees. We are big fans of Paul Stamets, and his approach of using mushrooms and mycelium to solve bee health problems with natural methods. Please join us in our partnership with Host Defense to Save the Bees!


The Thalia Capo keeps your guitar in tune better than other capos through Human Touch technology, which is a proprietary silicone blend that exactly mimics the elasticity of the human finger. Human Touch ensures even pressure across the strings and a happy guitar that stays in tune!


Every Thalia Capo comes with:

  • 12” Standard Tension OctaveTouch Fretpad
  • 12” High Tension OctaveTouch Fretpad
  • Quickstart Guide
  • Sticker

Note: Guitar Pick No Longer Included with Capo

The High Tension Fretpads are 2mm taller than our standard tension fretpads, so these are needed for 12-string guitars, Ukuleles, Banjos and certain guitars with low profile necks.


Thalia Capos is committed to quality and all Thalia Capos come with a LIFETIME WARRANTY; this includes the mechanical function of the capo including the spring, lever and housing of the capo. If something goes wrong drop us a line at For more information, please see ourFAQs.

This warranty is only available to the original purchaser through or our company stores on other e-commerce sites and is not transferable. If you received the Thalia Capo as a gift, please let us know who you received it from when you contact support with a warranty claim. Please note that this warranty does not cover misuse, accidental damage or scratches to the metal finish.


One day in 2010 as 8-year old Thalia Bradley was playing guitar, she gazed up at the poster of Taylor Swift on her bedroom wall. Taylor was holding a beautifully inlaid Hawaiian Koa Taylor guitar. As she focused on Taylor's guitar, she had a big idea.

Thalia was using a capo that day, but as she stared at the poster she envisioned a much more beautiful capo for Taylor, one that would perfectly match her Hawaiian Koa Taylor guitar. That was the seed of an idea that would ultimately lead to the invention of the Thalia Capo.

For Thalia's father Chris was an inventor and guitar player and he loved Thalia's idea, but he also thought the capo could be redesigned to make it much easier to use. They went to work and some 70 prototypes and four years later it was ready.

The "reverse action" design of the new Thalia Capo makes it easy to apply with just the fretting hand using the same pinching action as a barre chord. And of course it also features exotic wood and abalone shell inlays, just as Thalia had imagined.

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UPC 686186797172
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